Anglicanism and Social Justice

From 2021-2023, EDS piloted the Anglicanism and Social Justice program (ASJ), a non-degree, virtual theological education program for lay and ordained Christian leaders. Over the course of two years, the program sequentially examined racial justice, environmental justice, gender and sexuality, and economic justice from a theological perspective. Throughout, it explored intersections between these issues and asked how the church is called to respond.

ASJ cohorts gathered ten times virtually in an academic year and read four to five books each semester. The virtual sessions included orientations, lectures, plenary conversations, and small group discussions. For four of the ten gatherings, ASJ cohorts participated in weekend intensive courses at EDS at Union. Designed specifically for the ASJ program, these courses were also open to graduate students at Union Theological Seminary and the broader Union community.

The Anglicanism and Social Justice program is on pause for 2023-2024, but sign up for emails to be the first to learn about future offerings.

  • "This program has taken me on a journey I truly wasn't expecting or anticipating. If I am to be invested in becoming an authentic and transformative leaer by acting justly and loving mercy for all of God's beloved, then I had to be willing to delve deeply into our theological history." - The Rev. Canon Christine L. McCloud, Canon for Mission for the Diocese of Maryland

  • "Each of the students from the Diocese of Michigan who has been invovled in the ASJ classes has been touched, changed - even transformed - through their studies of the intersection of the gospel with sexuality, poverty, race, and gender. This is how we live out our baptismal promises." - The Rev. Dr. Bonnie Perry, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan

  • "As the Bishop of a small diocese, this transformative approach to leadership, rooted in Anglican Social Justice, is at the heart of our efforts to build the Beloved Community."- The Rt. Rev. Kevin D. Nichols, Bishop of Bethlehem

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